Senior Instructor
Dr Suzanne Ravenall B.Msc. M.Msc. Msc.D.
Course curriculum
SECTION A: Teaching Process for Principles of Relationships
Principles of Relationships: Index
Inner Cultivation: Teacher check list
DAY ONE: Principles of Relationships
(A) Cards: ORIENTATION ~ Welcome and Orientation
(B) Cards: The Ideal of Every Relationship
(C) Cards: The Chakra Needs in relationship
(D) Cards: The principle of Polarity Demo Masc.Fem Repatt / Talk about Earth
DAY TWO: Principles of Relationships
(E) Cards: Needs Repatterning & Short Self-Session
(F) Cards: Communicating Feelings
(G) Cards: Fear / Water Element Repatterning
(H) Cards: Self-Acceptance Repatterning
DAY THREE: Principles of Relationships
(I) Cards: Bonding-Separation Repatterning
(J) Cards: Birth Process Repatterning
(K) Cards: Talk about Wood El Repatterning
(L) Cards: Unresolved Communications
DAY FOUR: Principles of Relationships
(M) Cards: Principle of Entrainment
(N) Cards: Talk about Argument and Clearing Communicatons
(O) Closure: Talk about Metal Element Repatterning and Earth Element