Course Description
Creator of RR and Senior Instructor
Chloe Faith Wordsworth
Course curriculum
SECTION A: Orientation
Mod 1. Introduction to Inner Cultivation Home Study Course
Mod 2. Orientation + Wave & Essences Energizing Options
Mod 3. Summary of the Five Essences
Mod 4. The three Treasures: Jing, Shen & Qi
Mod 5. The five Essences: Shen, Zhi, Hun, Po & Yi
SECTION B: Illness & Health in the Inner Tradition
Mod 6. Energizing Options
Mod 7. The six causes of illness
Mod 8. Health & spiritual transformation
SECTION C: Four Ways Inner Cultivation Helps Us Transform
Mod 9. The 25 Repatternings
Mod 10. Light
Mod 11. Five Mudras
Mod 12. Acupuncture Master Points + Meridian Massage
SECTION D: ( i ) The Heart Official
Mod 13. Energizing Options: Note of ( B ) with the Heart Mudra
Mod 14. The four strengths of Shen; coherence, non-coherence & wounds to the Heart; the disturbed emotion & the Shen virtue
Mod 15. What each Element point brings to the Heart Official
Mod 16a. Point location for the Wood, Fire & Earth points and experiencing the point descriptions
Mod 16b. (continuation) Point location for Metal and Water and experiencing the point descriptions
Mod 17. Mandel Sequence for Fire: #1, #2
SECTION E: ( v ) The Heart Protector Official
Mod 18. Energizing Options for the Heart Protector: Anulom Viloma Breath; Note of D# with the Source Point
Mod 19. Information on the Heart Protector Official ( v ): How the other Officials compensate when ( v ) is under functioning; coherence & non-coherence
Mod 20. How each Element point brings safety to the Heart Protector Official
Mod 21. Point location for the Heart Protector Meridian & experiencing the point descriptions
Mod 22. Mandel Sequence for Fire: #3 & #4
SECTION F: ( vi ) The Triple Heater Official
Mod 23. Energizing Options for the Triple Heater Official: Chi Kung Balancing for the Three Heaters; The Note of ( E )
Mod 24. Coherence & non-coherence of the Triple Heater Official
Mod 25. Safety issues in relation to the Triple Heater; how other Elements respond to the lack of safety in groups
Mod 26. How each Element point supports the Triple Heater
Mod 27. Point location for the Triple Heater Meridian & experiencing the point descriptions
Mod 28. Mandel Sequences: Fire #5 & Earth #2
SECTION G: ( ii ) The Small Intestine Official
Mod 29. Energizing Options for the Small Intestine Official: Note of ( C ) with the Source Point; Laughter
Mod 30. Coherence & non-coherence of the Small Intestine Official
Mod 31. How each Element point supports the Small Intestine Official
Mod 32. Point location for the Small Intestine Meridian & experiencing the point descriptions
SECTION H: ( iv ) The Kidney Official
Mod 33. Energizing Options for the Kidney Official: Note of ( D ); Mudra for Kidney Jing & Zhi
Mod 34. Coherence & non-coherence of the Kidney Official: Zhi, the disturbed emotion, the virtue of wisdom
Mod 35. How each Element point supports the Kidney Official
Mod 36. Point location for the Kidney Meridian & experiencing the point descriptions
Mod 37. Mandel Sequence for Water: #1
SECTION I: ( iii ) The Bladder Official
Mod 38a. Information on the Constitutional Element & Meridian
Mod 38b. (continuation) Information on the constitutional Element & Meridian
Mod 39. Energizing options for the Bladder Official: Pelvic Energizer Breath; Foundation Pose for a strong spine with note of C#
Mod 40. Coherence & non-coherence of the Bladder Official
Mod 41. How each Element point supports the Bladder Official
Mod 42. Point location for the Bladder Meridian & experiencing the point descriptions
Mod 43. Mandel Sequence for Water: #2, #3
SECTION J: ( viii ) The Liver Official
Mod 44. Energizing Options for the Liver Official: Circles in Three Dimensions; Mudra for Wood & toning the note of ( F# )
Mod 45. Coherence & non-coherence of the Liver Official
Mod 46. How each Element Point supports the Liver Official
Mod 47. Point location for the Liver Meridian & experiencing the point descriptions
Mod 48. Mandel Sequence for Wood #2 to release deep frustrations & inner stress
SECTION K: ( vii ) The Gall Bladder Official
Mod 49. Energizing Options for the Gall Bladder Official: Peripheral Vision for seeing all sides of a problem. Past, future & present with Wood Mudra & toning F
Mod 50. Coherence & non-coherence of the Gall Bladder Official
Mod 51. How each Element Point supports the Gall Bladder Official
Mod 52. Point location for the Gall Bladder Meridian & experiencing the point descriptions
SECTION L: ( ix ) The Lung Official
Mod 53. Energizing Options for the Lung Official: Anulom Viloma Breath; Note of G with the Metal Mudra for Po
Mod 54. Coherence & non-coherence of the Lung Official
Mod 55. How each Element point supports the Lung Official
Mod 56. Point location for the Lung Meridian & experiencing the point descriptions
SECTION M: ( x ) The Large Intestine Official
Mod 57. Energizing Options for the Large Intestine Official: Note of G# with the Large Intestine Source Point; Mandel Sequence for Metal: #5 Letting go points & #7
Mod 58. Coherence & non-coherence of the Large Intestine Official
Mod 59. How each Element point supports the Large Intestine Official
Mod 60. Point location for the Large Intestine Meridian & experiencing the point descriptions
SECTION N: ( xii ) The Spleen Official
Mod 61. Energizing Options for the Spleen Official: Note of A#; Prithvi Mudra for the Yi Essence
Mod 62. Coherence & non-coherence of the Spleen Official
Mod 63. How each Element point supports the Spleen Official
Mod 64. Point location for the Spleen Meridian & experiencing the point descriptions
SECTION O: ( xi ) The Stomach Official
Mod 65. Energizing Options for the Stomach Official: Note of ( A ); Centering & Balance
Mod 66. Coherence & non-coherence of the Stomach Official
Mod 67. How each Element Point supports the Stomach Official to take in nourishment
Mod 68. Point location for the Stomach Meridian & experiencing the point descriptions
SECTION P: Closure
Mod 69. Question on the Constitutional Element: "What if all the Elements & emotions are disturbed? How do you know the constitutional? Closure
Simple introduction to the course
Theresa Larson
Clear understanding and background history was very orienting and helped me to decide on taking the course, or not, based on Chloe's well organized and end r...
Read MoreClear understanding and background history was very orienting and helped me to decide on taking the course, or not, based on Chloe's well organized and end results focus of 'why' taking this learning will support the student... and what it is not. Thank you for this free sample, your time energy and 'experience investment' over the years is so valuable!
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