Course curriculum

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    Pre course information & Admin

    • Introduction to your Teacher

    • Trouble shooting guide for students to trouble shoot any errors in accessing the system use the link below

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    Useful Resources

    • Links for online pianos and links for toning the notes

    • Cricket Chorus

    • Self Regulation / Relaxed body tips

    • Wet Noodle

    • Tips on being a good practitioner

    • Feelings & Needs lists

    • 26 Jin Shin Jyutsu energy locks

    • Birth Chart

    • Teeth Acupuncture Chart

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    Demo's Process Guide

    • Session Demo/Walk through recording Orientation

    • Session Demo/walk through session notes Orientation

    • Session Demo/Walk through recording problems into opportunities

    • Session Demo/walk through session notes problems into opportunities

    • Session Demo/Walk through Recording Intentions for a new possibility

    • Session Demo/Walk through session notes Intention for a new possibility

    • Diffusion demo by Tabitha

    • Session notes Diffusion

    • Energy Constriction release

    • Fusion & Session Demo/walk through

    • Session notes Fusion

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    Demos Fundamentals & Primary Patterns

    • Session Demo/talk through recording Writing Repatterning

    • Session Demo/talk through session notes Writing Repatterning

    • Session Demo/talk through recording Seeing Repatterning

    • Session Demo/Talk through session notes Seeing Repatterning

    • Session Demo/Talk Through recording Belief Repatterning

    • Session Demo/Talk through session notes belief repatterning

    • Session Demo/Talk through Recording Hearing Repatterning

    • Session Demo/Talk through session notes Hearing repatterning

    • Recording: Demo/Walk through Commitment Repatterning

    • Session notes Committment repatterning

    • Recording Demo/Talk through Self image repatterning

    • Recording Demo/Talk through negative thoughts repatterning

    • Recording Demo/Talk through negative thoughts repatterning

    • Sessions notes Appreciation Repatterning

    • Recording Demo/Talk through Appreciation repatterning part 1

    • Recording Demo/Talk through Appreciation repatterning part 2

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    Demo's Unconscious Patterns

    • Session Demo/Walk through Integration for Integration for Growth incorporating modelling for short energy constriction, holding space, how to overcome a mistake and when you receive an odd muscle checking answer

    • Sessions notes to go with Integration for Growth

    • Introduction Reptilian Brain Repatterning

    • Demo/Walk through Reptilian Brain Repatterning also modelling when not a lot of information is volunteered, don't need to push let it unfold over time.

    • Sessions notes reptilian brain repatterning

    • Introduction Breath Repatterning and modelling holding space

    • Demo/Walk through Breath Repatterning

    • Session notes breath repatterning

    • Introduction Compensation Repatterning

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    Demo's Chakra Patterns

    • Disrupted Energy Repatterning - understanding

    • Disrupted Energy Session notes

    • Disrupted Energy Repatterning Demo/walk through plus Q&A afterwards

    • Life Cycle Repatterning introduction & understanding

    • Life Cycle Repatterning Demo/Walk through

    • Life Cycle Repatterning Session notes

    • Chakra Repatterning Demo/walk through

    • Session notes Chakra Repatterning

    • Sound Frequency Birth Note explanation / Octaves / Dual toning / use of vowels

    • Sound frequency Demo / Walk through Part 1

    • Sound frequency Demo / Walkthrough Part 2

    • Session notes Sound Frequency Repatterning

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    Demo's 5 Element & Meridian Patterns

    • Seasonal Repatterning Demo / Talk through

    • Session notes Seasonal Repatterning

    • Decision Making Repatterning Demo / Talk through

    • Session notes for decision making repatterning

    • Session notes for decision making repatterning

    • 24 hour Repatterning Demo / Talk through

    • 24 hour repatterning session notes

    • Part 1 Five Element & Meridian repatterning Demo / Talk through

    • Part 2 Five Element & Meridian Repatterning Demo / Talk through

    • Sessions notes Five element and meridian repatterning

    • Mu Point Repatterning Demo / Talk through using pen holding the point

    • Session notes mu point repatterning

    • Five Element Qualities Repatterning Demo / Talk through

    • Session notes five element qualities

    • Abundance Repatterning Demo / Talk through

    • Session notes abundance repatterning

Learning Resonance Repatterning could’nt be easier! Learn anytime anywhere

Take the time to follow the order in which the programmes run building one on top of the other

Join our membership and become a student - study alongside others belonging to a closed social media group. Learn how to use Applied Kinesiology muscle testing first through our online muscle testing programme, then go to Fundamentals, then Primary Patterns, then Chakra Patterns, finishing with five elements and Meridians. And once you have completed then upgrade your membership and take the assessment to become a practitioner!


Senior Instructor

Dr Suzanne Ravenall B.Msc. M.Msc. Msc.D.

Suzanne is a modern day explorer of human potential, she is an entrepreneur, transformation Coach, consciousness engineer, CEO, key note speaker & integrative medicine practitioner. Suzanne has a successful corporate career, she went onto build a successful business, racked up a number of international Top Women & Leadership awards, and while doing so, covered up great trauma. She then pivoted and dedicated her life to understanding how and why we behave as we do and in doing so, has helped many people adventure & discover their true nature, uncover how current challenges stem from decisions taken when we were too young to remember, how to release & clear the patterns that continuously compel us to create and/or repeat these same patterns that cause pain and suffering. She provides a framework to leverage these in a practical way to achieve the best easiest happiest most fulfilling version of ourselves.